WASHINGTON, D.C., March 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a powerful display of unity, Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) is hosting the 18th Annual Call-on Congress event, bringing together over 200 colorectal cancer survivors, caregivers, and loved ones. This landmark advocacy initiative aims to elevate personal stories and press for increased funding and support to combat colorectal cancer (CRC).
Colorectal cancer, encompassing colon and rectal cancers, stands as the second-leading cause of cancer deaths for both men and women combined in the United States. Despite traditionally affecting an older demographic, there has been an alarming rise in CRC incidence among individuals under the age of 50 over the last decade. A 2021 JAMA study projects that by 2030, colorectal cancer will claim the lives of those aged 20-49, becoming the leading cause of cancer deaths in this age group.
Advocates participating in the Call-on Congress event will engage with members of Congress, sharing their personal experiences with colorectal cancer and championing critical initiatives, including:
- $51 Million for the CDC’s Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP): Empowering the CDC to expand its work to increase colorectal cancer screening rates among the nation’s most vulnerable populations through the implementation of evidence-based interventions.
- $20 Million to Establish a Colorectal Cancer Research Program within the Department of Defense (DoD) Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP): Addressing the absence of dedicated research funding for colorectal cancer within the CDMRP, despite it being the second-leading cause of cancer death.
- Encouraging Members of Congress to Champion Colorectal Cancer: Advocates will call on their representatives to become champions for colorectal cancer, actively working to transform the statistics surrounding the disease by joining the Colorectal Cancer Caucus.
"We are thrilled to host our largest Call-on Congress event to date. Hundreds of survivors, caregivers, and loved ones from across the country will courageously share their stories, urging policymakers to prioritize funding for the second leading cause of cancer death in our country," said Anjee Davis, Fight CRC President.
Call-on Congress 2024 is sponsored by Exact Sciences, Fujifilm, and Merck.