Auction result of Treasury Bonds - RIKB 26 1015 - RIKB 35 0917

Series RIKB 26 1015RIKB 35 0917
Settlement Date 04/15/202404/15/2024
Total Amount Allocated (MM) 3,7967,330
All Bids Awarded At (Price / Yield) 96.600/8.280101.330/6.820
Total Number of Bids Received 2838
Total Amount of All Bids Received (MM) 5,2767,930
Total Number of Successful Bids 1833
Number of Bids Allocated in Full 1833
Lowest Price / Highest Yield Allocated 96.600/8.280101.330/6.820
Highest Price / Lowest Yield Allocated 96.690/8.240101.720/6.770
Lowest Price / Highest Yield Allocated in Full 96.600/8.280101.330/6.820
Weighted Average of Successful Bids (Price/Yield) 96.623/8.270101.453/6.810
Best Bid (Price / Yield) 96.690/8.240101.720/6.770
Worst Bid (Price / Yield) 96.451/8.350101.150/6.840
Weighted Average of All Bids Received (Price / Yield) 96.597/8.280101.434/6.810
Percentage Partial Allocation (Approximate) 100.00 %100.00 %
Bid to Cover Ratio 1.391.08