Edmonton, May 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Friday, April 26, 2024, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) held its annual general meeting (AGM), with nearly 1,000 registrants participating virtually.
APEGA leadership delivered updates, including annual addresses by the outgoing and incoming presidents, and by the registrar and CEO (RCEO). The audit committee chair provided registrants with an overview of the 2023 audited financial statements. In new business, a registrant presented a motion to require climate-disclosure statements in practice guidelines. Attending registrants passed the motion. Council will consider this request at its June meeting.
Council election results were presented and ratified, marking the formal installation of the 2024-25 APEGA council with Tracey Stock, KC, P.Eng., PhD, FEC, as APEGA’s 105th president. Stock, an energy industry leader and avid volunteer, has previously served terms as an APEGA councillor, vice-president and president-elect. He will lead APEGA’s executive committee of council, which comprises president-elect Terri Steeves, P.Eng., returning Vice-President Margaret Allan, P.Eng., P.Geo., and Manon Plante, P.Eng., who transitions into the role of past-president. Plante received a vest as part of APEGA’s long-standing tradition passed on by former past-presidents. Plante chose a vest design representing Quebec and Alberta, two provinces she has called home.
Four councillors began their three-year terms: re-elected professional engineers Claudia Gomez-Villeneuve and Seema Makwana, and first-time elected professional engineers Doak Horne and Peter Timmins. The AGM also marked the end of term for councillors Devarsh Sood, P.Eng., and Mihaela Ciulei, P.Eng.
In their addresses, President Stock and past-president Plante thanked RCEO Jay Nagendran, P.Eng., for his service to the professions, as he announced he will retire in April 2025. Stock and Plante pledged to work closely with council and staff over the next year to ensure a seamless transition in leadership. APEGA’s next AGM will take place on Friday, April 25, 2025, in Calgary, Alberta. APEGA’s 2023 annual report is now available at apega.ca.
As the regulator of engineering and geoscience in Alberta for more than 100 years, APEGA continues to drive the province forward with courage and innovation. We are the largest regulator of self-regulated professionals in Western Canada, with nearly 69,000 registrants who safeguard the public welfare and contribute significantly to Alberta’s economic success and quality of life.
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