Roy Virgen Jr. Announces The Roy Virgen Jr. Scholarship for Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Offering Award to Innovative Undergraduate Students

LOS ANGELES, May 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Roy Virgen Jr. Scholarship for Aspiring Entrepreneurs is now accepting applications from undergraduate students with a passion for entrepreneurship and innovation. This prestigious scholarship, established by esteemed educator and business consultant Roy Virgen Jr., aims to support and inspire the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders. The scholarship offers a one-time award of $1,000 to a deserving student who demonstrates exceptional entrepreneurial spirit and academic excellence.

Scholarship Criteria

To qualify for the Roy Virgen Jr. Scholarship for Aspiring Entrepreneurs, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Undergraduate Student: Currently enrolled in an undergraduate program at an accredited institution.
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit: Demonstrate a strong passion for entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Academic Excellence: Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 or equivalent.
  • Essay Contest: Submit a compelling essay responding to the provided prompt.

Essay Prompt: “Innovation is the lifeblood of entrepreneurship. Describe a creative business idea you have that addresses a current societal challenge. How do you envision implementing this idea to make a positive impact on the world?”

Application Process

Students interested in applying for the scholarship must submit their essays to by February 15, 2025. The scholarship winner will be announced on March 15, 2025. This scholarship is not restricted to any specific city or state, and eligible undergraduate students from across the United States are encouraged to apply.

About Roy Virgen Jr.

Roy Virgen Jr. is a dedicated educator, consultant, and motivational leader with a rich background in business, management, and marketing. He holds a Master of Business Administration with dual concentrations in Leadership and Marketing from the University of La Verne and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Business Administration from Nobel University, with a focus on Marketing. Roy Virgen Jr.'s career includes roles as a lecturer at prestigious institutions such as Cal State University and the University of California, where he has influenced countless students with his knowledge and enthusiasm for entrepreneurship.

As the founder and CEO of a boutique consulting firm, Roy Virgen Jr. leverages his extensive international experience in countries like Vietnam, Malaysia, and China to provide strategic business and educational consulting services. His firm specializes in higher education and strategic planning, helping individuals and companies navigate the complex business landscape.

Roy Virgen Jr.'s Mission

Roy Virgen Jr. is committed to fostering innovation and driving economic growth through mentorship and consulting. His scholarship reflects his dedication to empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs, providing them with the financial support and encouragement needed to bring their innovative ideas to life. Roy Virgen Jr. believes that education and practical experience are the cornerstones of successful entrepreneurship, and he is passionate about supporting students who share this vision.

Encouraging Future Leaders

The Roy Virgen Jr. Scholarship for Aspiring Entrepreneurs is an opportunity for undergraduate students to showcase their entrepreneurial ideas and gain recognition for their innovative thinking. By participating in this scholarship, students can contribute to addressing societal challenges through entrepreneurship, embodying the spirit of innovation that Roy Virgen Jr. champions.

How to Apply

Eligible undergraduate students are invited to apply for the Roy Virgen Jr. Scholarship for Aspiring Entrepreneurs by submitting their essays to The application deadline is February 15, 2025, and the winner will be announced on March 15, 2025. For more information about the scholarship and to learn more about Roy Virgen Jr., please visit and

About Roy Virgen Jr.

Roy Virgen Jr. is an educator, consultant, and motivational leader with extensive experience in business, management, and marketing. He holds an MBA from the University of La Verne and is pursuing a Doctor of Business Administration from Nobel University. Roy Virgen Jr. has worked internationally and lectures at Cal State University and the University of California. He is the founder and CEO of a boutique consulting firm specializing in higher education and strategic planning.

Contact Information:

Spokesperson: Roy Virgen Jr.

Organization: Roy Virgen Jr. Scholarship

