Groupe DANONE: Sales Rise 5.1% Like-for-Like in 2001

PARIS, France, Jan. 22, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- DANONE (NYSE:DA) Consolidated net sales amounted to EUR 14,470 million in 2001, growing 5.1% on a like-for-like basis, in line with the Group's targets.

In a challenging environment, this 2001 performance underlines the strength of the Groupe DANONE's growth model.

 Figures by business line and area for 2001 were as follows:

 In EUR millions               FY2000    FY2001   Growthlike-for-like

 Fresh Dairy Products          6,530      6,945          +6.8%
 Beverages                     4,141      3,796          +7.1%
 Biscuits                      3,255      3,371          +0.4%
 Other Food Business             378        375          +0.2%

 Inter-company sales             -17        -17            --
 France                        4,298      4,022          +3.5%
 Rest of Western Europe        5,273      5,137          +5.5%
 Rest of World                 5,512      6,192          +5.7%

 Inter-regional sales           -796       -881            --
 Group                        14,287     14,470          +5.1%

Organic growth has been 5.1%, exchange rates variance +0.4% and changes in the scope of consolidation -4.2%. This negative scope effect results from the full year deconsolidation of the European beer business in 2001, which was integrated during part of 2000.

The organic growth of 5.1% derived from 3.2% rise in volume and 1.9% rise in value.

4th quarter 2001

4th quarter sales grew 4.6% like-for-like. Compared with the 3rd quarter performance (+3.7%), the improvement flows, among other things, from the French Biscuits business coming back to growth and from good results on the U.S. Fresh Dairy market. Situation in Argentina remained particularly challenging.

 Sales growth by period was as follows:

 like-for-like                   9 months    4th Quarter    Full year

 Fresh Dairy Products              +6.5%        +7.7%         +6.8%
 Beverages                         +8.0%        +3.5%         +7.1%
 Biscuits                          +0.4%        +0.3%         +0.4%
 Other Food Business               +0.5%        (0.7%)        +0.2%
 France                            +2.7%        +6.1%         +3.5%
 Rest of Western Europe            +5.7%        +4.9%         +5.5%
 Rest of World                     +6.4%        +3.4%         +5.7%

 Group                             +5.3%        +4.6%         +5.1%

The 4th quarter net sales evolution is made of 4.6% organic growth, -0.3% scope effect and -1.6% currency effect.

The organic growth of 4.6% derived from 3.0% rise in volume and 1.6% rise in value.

2002 perspectives

The 4th quarter performance and its context allow Groupe DANONE to confirm its like-for-like growth objective of 5% minimum in 2002.

Future events

2001 final results: February 18, 2002

2002 1st quarter sales results: April 23, 2002

Annual General Meeting of shareholders: April 25, 2002 in Paris


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