Visa available through mobile commerce solution

The agreement visualizes the aim of Visa Norge and Telenor Mobil of making Visa a method of payment available to mobile users who are Visa cardholders, as well as making mobile payment solutions available to Visa Norge's merchants.
The dialogue with the customer takes place through SMS or web, and the customer has access to his or her Visa-card after about five minutes.
"We are dedicated to provide our customers with increased flexibility in their purchase of goods and services, and consider the co-operation with Telenor Mobil as a method of arranging this in a secure and simple way," said Morten Gulbæk, Executive Vice President, Visa Norge.
"The co-operation with Visa opens up for new possibilities on MobilHandel. The safety solution used, called mobile PKI, secures the transactions," said Hanne Sjursen, director of mobile commerce in Telenor Mobil. 
MobilHandel from Telenor Mobil makes it possible to carry out safe purchases with a mobile phone. The solution can already be used for purchasing several goods and services, like cinema tickets, flowers, parking, public transport, ski lift tickets and mineral water. The co-operation will shortly result in new means of use.
Visa Norge delivers services within payment and information procurement to banks and their customers, and acquires Visa merchants in Norway. More than 3.4 million Visa-cards are today issued in Norway. Telenor Mobil is the leading supplier of mobile telephony and mobile data communication in Norway. The company had 2.4 million customers as of third quarter 2002.
For further information, please contact:
Morten Gulbæk, Executive Vice President, Visa Norge, tel: +47 22 93 76 22 / +47 995 75 309
Sigurd Sandvin, Head of Information in Telenor Mobil, tel: +47 905 21 100
Esben Tuman Johnsen, Assistant Head of Information in Telenor Mobil, tel: +47 905 08 400