LetterMpress Apps for iPad and Mac Add Typefaces and Art Cuts
29 févr. 2012 01h08 HE | LetterMpress
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Feb. 29, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- mpressInteractive, LLC announced the release of LetterMpress® version 1.4.0 for Mac and iPad. This LetterMpress upgrade now features 32 vintage...
LetterMpress Ipad App Creates Unique Art for Holiday Cards, Now 50% Off
01 déc. 2011 01h08 HE | LetterMpress
CHAMPAIGN, IL, Dec. 1, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LetterMpress® for the Apple iPad lets anyone create unique images and messages for use on their holiday cards with vintage wood type and art cuts...
LetterMpress Brings the Art and Craft of Letterpress to the Mac
26 sept. 2011 13h51 HE | LetterMpress
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Sept. 26, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LetterMpress®, a new app for the Mac, gives users an immersive experience in using vintage wood type, art cuts and hand printing press...
LetterMpress iPad App Update Adds New Typefaces and User Features
11 août 2011 01h10 HE | LetterMpress
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Aug. 11, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LetterMpress™, a new app for the Apple iPad that lets anyone create graphic designs with vintage wood type and art cuts on a virtual hand-drive...