Holding of treasury shares subsequent to completion of reverse share split - Company announcement 11/2020

Copenhagen, 7 April 2020


In accordance with sections §§ 38 and 39 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, EAC Invest A/S hereby gives notice that the Company, as of today’s date, is in possession of 19.4 per cent of the total share capital and voting rights in EAC Invest A/S (previously 0.85 per cent).

The increase in the Company’s holding of treasury share is a result of the redemption of shares in connection with the completion of a reverse share split, cf. company announcement no. 9/2020 for further information. The treasury shares acquired as a result of the redemption are expected to be cancelled by decision made at a subsequent general meeting.


EAC Invest A/S

For further information please contact:
Martin Thaysen, CEO, e-mail investorinformation@eac.dk



Holding of treasury shares subsequent to reverse share split  - Company announcement No 11 2020