Bilia AB has decided to elect the following individuals as the new board of Catena, currently Bilia Fastigheter AB, Curt Lönnström (chairman), Ingrid Berggren, Lars Söderblom, Erik Törnberg, Gerard Versteegh and Peter Hallgren (managing director).

Curt Lönnström is the managing director of Ryda Bruk AB and a member of the board of companies including Poolia AB, Uniflex AB and Hagströmer & Qviberg AB. Ingrid Berggren works for Calyon (formerly Credit Agricole Indosuez). Lars Söderblom is chairman of the board of Rodamco Sverige AB and was previously the managing director of Piren AB. Erik Törnberg is a finance analyst at Investment AB Öresund. Gerard Versteegh is the working chairman of the board of Commercial Estates Group Ltd and a member of the board of NeoNet AB. Peter Hallgren has been managing director of Bilia Fastigheter since 1998.

The plan is to elect these board members at an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting at Catena in November 2005.


Göteborg, 28 October 2005


Bilia AB (publ)


For further information, please contact Bilia AB’s managing director, Jan Pettersson, on: +46 31 709 55 00.