Bilia AB’s board of directors has decided to buy back company shares in accordance with the authorisation that was given at the AGM on 6 April 2005. At the present time, Bilia owns none of its own shares and is planning to acquire 155 shares.

This buy-back will take place in order to adjust the total number of shares in Bilia with the aim of creating a uniform exchange relationship prior to the proposed distribution of Bilia’s real estate company, Catena AB.

The shares will be acquired via purchases on the Stockholm Stock Exchange at the market price that applies at the time of acquisition. The transactions will be reported via the Stockholm Stock Exchange in accordance with the current regulations. The buy-back will begin today and will be completed no later than 9 February 2006.


Göteborg, 8 February 2006


Bilia AB (publ)


For further information, please contact Bilia’s managing director, Jan Pettersson, or its CFO, Gunnar Blomkvist, Bilia AB, phone +46 31 709 55 00.





Bilia_February 8 2006_Eng.pdf