Between 1-4th of November the clinical results for Oasmias cancer drug
Paclical® Vet will be presented at the annual Veterinary Cancer Society
Congress in Florida. 

- I am very pleased that our abstract has been accepted for presentation at the
Annual Veterinary Cancer Society Congress in Florida. It means that we are
going to reach an audience with the best competence in the subject. This will
also give us the possibility to discuss and involve the most prominent, says
Henrik von Euler, principal veterinarian. 

- The congress in USA is a milestone for Oasmia. Our participation is an
important step in Oasmias registration process but most of all for the American
veterinary market. In that case Oasmia will be the first company in the world
with a registered cytostaticum for dogs, says Julian Aleksov, CEO at Oasmia. 

Paclical® Vet has showed surprisingly good results in dogs with cancer where
the previous alternative a few years ago was euthanization. Today there are 140
million dogs in EU and USA. 

More information is available at www.ngm.se or www.oasmia.com
For further information please contact: info@oasmia.com or call: +46 (0) 18 50
54 40 

Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB is a pharmaceutical company that specialises in the
treatment of severe diseases. 
A pharmaceutical company based on the latest concepts in bio-organic chemistry.
The main idea is to improve the treatment of serious diseases. Primarily, this
development is in oncology and treatment with cytostatics but Oasmia also
conducts research in antibiotics, asthma and neurological diseases. Oasmia has
in-house production capacity of pharmaceuticals for clinical trials, both
company related and others. Oasmia has developed several products based on
existing pharmaceuticals in a new environment, which leads to whole new
solutions for cancer treatment. These products give Oasmia a solid product
portfolio within oncology with several products in clinical or pre-clinical
phase. Oasmia is listed on NGM Eguity. 

