PRF: Unaudited consolidated turnover of AS Premia Foods, 1st quarter and 3 months, 2013

Tallinn, Estonia, 2013-04-10 08:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

The unaudited consolidated turnover of Premia Foods increased in the 1st quarter 2013 by 6.9%, i.e. by 1.2 million euro, if compared to the 1st quarter 2012, reaching 18.3 million euro in total. The turnover increased in all the target markets of Premia Foods and the growth came from the frozen goods and fish business segments.

Turnover by business segment (MEUR) Q1 2013 Q1 2012 Growth
Ice cream 3.6 3.7 -3.6%
Frozen goods 5.9 5.3 11.0%
Fish and fish products 8.2 7.7 7.6%
Other 0.6 0.4 31.9%
Total 18.3 17.1 6.9%

The turnover of the ice cream business segment was 0.1 million euro less than during the same period 2012. The backlog in turnover came mainly from the decreased turnover in this business segment in the Latvian, Lithuanian and Russian markets, the turnover in the Estonian market increased by 5%, if compared to the same period 2012. Considering the arctic weather conditions in March in all the target markets, the result of this business segment (especially in Estonia) may be deemed satisfactory.

The turnover of the frozen goods business segment increased 11%, i.e. 0.6 million euro on annual basis. The turnover increased in Latvia, Lithuania and Russia. The result of the Estonian market remained at the same level with the result of the comparable period 2012.

The turnover of the fish and fish products business segment increased by 8%, i.e. 0.6 million euro, if compared to the same period 2012. The growth came from the Finnish, Estonian and Latvian markets and the referred markets generated equal monetary input into the growth in turnover.

Turnover by target market (MEUR) Q1 2013 Q1 2012 Growth
Finland 6.8 6.7 1.6%
Estonia 5.3 4.9 8.4%
Latvia 2.9 2.4 19.5%
Russia 1.5 1.5 7.3%
Lithuania 1.7 1.6 4.0%
Total 18.3 17.1 6.9%

 In the 1st quarter 2013, the turnover increased in all the target markets of Premia Foods, if compared to the results of the 1st quarter 2012. The greatest growth in turnover was achieved in Latvia: 0.5 million euro, i.e. 19.5%. The second runner up during this accounting period was Estonia with its turnover growth of 0.4 million euro, i.e. 8.4%. While the growth in Estonia came from ice cream and fish business segments and other services, then in Latvia the growth was generated in the fish and frozen goods business segments.

         Additional information:
         Kuldar Leis
         Premia Foods
         Chairman of Management Board
         T: +372 6 033 800