ADT Customer Service Rep Helps Boy Who Is Desperately Afraid of Ghosts Ahead of the Spookiest Season of the Year

BOCA RATON, Fla., Oct. 05, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nervous about the creaking wooden floors in your home? Curious if you heard someone talking in the other room or if it was just the wind?

Nine-year-old Benjamin Carubba was terrified of ghosts in his New Orleans-area home. With Halloween fast approaching, his anxiety was peaking. So his mom, Katie, had an idea that if she called ADT, the security company which monitors their home and protects them from burglars, fires and other emergencies, she could help Benjamin ease his fears.

When Katie called ADT’s National Sales Center in Jacksonville, Fla., she connected with Customer Service Representative Xavier Rollins who was happy to help.

The result was a 70-second conversation between Xavier and Katie, with little Benjamin listening on speaker phone. ADT created an animated reenactment of the conversation, recently revealed on their social media channels and website on National Ghost Hunting Day (October 1). Click here to watch the video and listen to the actual phone call.

“The call had an immediate and profound effect,” said Katie Carubba. “My son is no longer afraid of ghosts, and he will enjoy Halloween much better this year. I deeply appreciate Xavier’s excellent customer service!”

Xavier, whose ADT career began earlier this year, said he was just doing his job. “It was fun to help solve an issue with one of the seven million customers we help protect,” said Xavier.

ADT doesn’t actually protect your home against the paranormal, but they can advise customers on how they can help stay safe in the colder, darker months of the year starting around Halloween:

  • Program your outdoor lighting to turn on earlier. Daylight Saving ends November 6.
  • When using your heater or furnace, protect your home from threats you can’t see with carbon monoxide monitoring

ADT wishes everyone an enjoyable Halloween and suggests these trick-or-treat safety tips for children:

  • Keep your head up while walking and don’t look at electronic devices
  • Watch for cars that are backing up. Don’t dart between parked cars
  • Don’t eat anything that isn’t wrapped or been inspected first
  • Decorate your costumes and bags with reflective tape or stickers
  • Carry a flashlight or glow stick

About ADT
ADT is a leading provider of security and automation solutions for homes and businesses in the United States and Canada. ADT's broad and pioneering set of products and services, including ADT Pulse® interactive home and business solutions, and health services, meet a range of customer needs for today’s active and increasingly mobile lifestyles. Headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, ADT helps provide peace of mind to nearly seven million customers, and it employs approximately 17,000 people at 200 locations. More information is available at


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