Elanders’ subsidiary ReuseIT Sweden AB starts up collaboration with Kjell & Company concerning recycling and reuse of IT equipment

Today no one thinks twice about buying a used car, boat or bicycle. So why not buy a used computer or cell phone?

In connection with the Swedish government’s study on a paid return system for electronic devices the research company Novus did an analysis in 2021 of how consumers handle electronic devices. According to this analysis the number of functioning, but no longer used, cell phones, PCs and tablets in Swedish homes were almost 15 million units.

Elanders’ subsidiary ReuseIT will now collaborate with Kjell & Company in order to extend the lifetime of used IT equipment. As of May 1 members of Kjell & Company can return their computers, tablets and cell phones at Kjell & Company’s stores. The products turned in that are high quality will then be available for resale on kjell.com.

“Maximizing the usefulness of technology has been Kjell & Company’s North Star for over 30 years. Unfortunately there is currently an enormous amount of fully functioning electronic devices in our homes that aren’t being used. This is why we’re now offering the market’s best service for reuse of electronic devices, regarding both compensation and secure handling. Through this initiative we’ll provide even more people with access to new home electronics that suit different needs and wallets,” says Adam Bosshammar, Director of Business Development, Kjell & Company.

The process and system for “paid return” comes from ReuseIT, which is also responsible for ensuring quality, securely erasing of all information on the units and reconditioning them. As of March 2021 ReuseIT is part of the Elanders Group and has over 20 years of experience in handling, reconditioning and reselling used IT equipment.

“Together with Kjell & Company we create a unique infrastructure for putting the right electronic devices in the right hands and extending the lifetime of used IT equipment. Our joint initiative will both conserve the planet’s resources and be gentle on consumers’ wallets,”  says Daniel Steneby, MD, ReuseIT Sweden AB.

“There is a substantial sustainability factor in extending the lifetime of IT equipment and reusing it before it’s finally recycled, since most of a product’s environmental impact stems from manufacturing and delaying new products entering the market is a considerable contribution to the environment,” says Magnus Nilsson, President and CEO, Elanders AB.

Initially it will be possible to return computers, tablets and cell phones at 16 of Kjell & Company’s stores, a service exclusively for members of Kjell & Company. It will even be possible to return homemade computers within the framework of the initiative, where the person returning the equipment can choose between being paid through a transfer direct to their bank account or via a voucher.

For further questions, please contact
Magnus Nilsson, President and CEO, Elanders AB, telephone: +46 31 750 07 50
Daniel Steneby, MD, ReuseIT Sweden AB, telephone: +46 31 750 07 23



2023-05-08 Elanders Press release - Elanders’ subsidiary ReuseIT Sweden AB starts up collaboration with Kjell & Company