Inbjudan till presentation av Scandics delårsrapport för tredje kvartalet 2016
November 01, 2016 03:00 ET
Scandic Hotels Group AB
Scandic Hotels Group bjuder in till en webbsänd presentation av delårsrapport
för tredje kvartalet 2016 kl 09.00 den 8 november. Rapporten kommer att
publiceras kl 07.30 samma dag.
Scandics VD och...
Invitation to presentation of Scandic’s interim report for the third quarter 2016
November 01, 2016 03:00 ET
Scandic Hotels Group AB
Scandic Hotels Group will present its interim report for the third quarter 2016
in a webcast at 9:00 CET on November 8, 2016. The interim report will be
published at 7.30 CET on the same...
Scandic Hotels’ Lena Bjurner nominated for HR Director of the Year award 2017
October 11, 2016 02:00 ET
Scandic Hotels Group AB
Lena Bjurner, HR and Sustainability Director at Scandic Hotels Group, has been
nominated for Universum Awards’ HR Director of the Year 2017. Lena has been
recognized among other things for her work to...
Scandic Hotels Lena Bjurner nominerad till Årets personaldirektör 2017
October 11, 2016 02:00 ET
Scandic Hotels Group AB
Lena Bjurner, HR- och hållbarhetsdirektör på Scandic Hotels Group, är nominerad
till Årets personaldirektör 2017 i Universum Awards. Lena uppmärksammas bland
för sitt arbete med att stärka...
Ny valberedning i Scandic Hotels Group
October 11, 2016 01:30 ET
Scandic Hotels Group AB
Valberedningen inför Scandics årsstämma 2017 utgörs av Scandics tre största
aktieägare samt styrelsens ordförande och har följande sammansättning:
- Joel Lindeman, Provobis AB, valberedningens...
New Nomination Committee for Scandic Hotels Group
October 11, 2016 01:30 ET
Scandic Hotels Group AB
The Nomination Committee prior to Scandic’s Annual General Meeting 2017 is made
up of Scandic’s three largest shareholders and the Chairman of the Board of
Directors and is composed as follows:
- Joel...
Tillväxt i fokus på Scandics kapitalmarknadsdag
September 29, 2016 10:45 ET
Scandic Hotels Group AB
Scandic höll idag sin första kapitalmarknadsdag. Bolaget presenterade sin
värdeskapande affärs-modell samtidigt som delar ur koncernledningen utvecklade
sin syn på marknaden, nuvarande verksamhet och...
Growth in focus at Scandic’s Capital Markets Day
September 29, 2016 10:45 ET
Scandic Hotels Group AB
Today, Scandic held its first Capital Markets Day, The company presented its
valuecreating business model at the same time as members of the Executive
Committee shared their views on the market,...
Scandic recruits Director of Business Development for its German operations
September 29, 2016 02:00 ET
Scandic Hotels Group AB
For several years, Scandic Hotels, the largest hotel company in the Nordic
countries, has operated three successful hotels in Berlin and Hamburg that
together offer 1,100 rooms in total. Scandic...
Scandic rekryterar Director of Business Development till sin tyska verksamhet
September 29, 2016 02:00 ET
Scandic Hotels Group AB
Scandic Hotels, Nordens största hotelloperatör, driver sedan flera år tillbaka
tre framgångsrika hotell i Berlin och Hamburg med 1 100 rum totalt. Scandic har
för avsikt att fortsätta växa på den...