One man went from a life of hopelessness, low self-esteem and victim mentality to a life that thrives, full of hope and success
September 29, 2020 00:00 ET | WestBow Press
MEAD, Colo., Sept. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- David Besch was raised in the home of a Pentecostal preacher in the farmlands of Wisconsin, where he was bullied as a young boy for being a chubby,...
Artist Introduces Children to Adverse Impact of Bullying in Colorful New Picture Book
September 28, 2020 08:00 ET | XlibrisUS
LANSING, Mich., Sept. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Author and artist Julian Van Dyke has published an educational and inclusive children’s book that explores the nuances of bullying and teaches...
A Very Hairy Hare Teaches Kids to Accept Their Unique Qualities and Respond to Everyone With Positivity in New Children’s Book
August 17, 2020 10:00 ET | Archway Publishing
HOUGHTON, Mich., Aug. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As a lifetime anti-bullying advocate, retired educator Dan Wohlleber releases his debut children’s book with a message about how kids can be a...
July 23, 2020 05:39 ET | Doctor Eric Debarbieux
校园暴力国际观察组织(International Observatory of Violence in Schools)今天发布的一份报告显示,尽管收费高昂,但私立学校并未能保护学生免受严重欺凌和网络欺凌。一位权威专家对此感到担忧并表示,因为优先考虑其声誉,这些学校往往对表达意见的受害者进行惩罚,让欺凌者感到其行为得到许可。作为世界上最贵学校的萝实学院(Institut Le...
Un informe académico critica al "colegio más caro del mundo" por hacer oídos sordos frente al acoso escolar
July 23, 2020 05:39 ET | Doctor Eric Debarbieux
Un informe publicado hoy por un miembro del Observatorio Internacional de Violencia Escolar muestra que, a pesar de las costosas tasas de matriculación, los colegios privados no protegen a sus...
“La scuola più costosa del mondo” criticata in un rapporto accademico per aver chiuso un occhio davanti al bullismo
July 23, 2020 05:39 ET | Doctor Eric Debarbieux
Un rapporto pubblicato oggi da un membro dell’Osservatorio internazionale della violenza nelle scuole mostra come, nonostante le rette elevate, le scuole private non riescano a proteggere i propri...
Akademischer Bericht kritisiert „teuerste Schule der Welt“ dafür, bei Mobbing ein Auge zuzudrücken
July 23, 2020 05:39 ET | Doctor Eric Debarbieux
Ein heute von einem Mitglied des International Observatory of Violence in Schools veröffentlichter Bericht zeigt, dass Privatschulen ihre Schüler trotz hoher Gebühren nicht vor schwerwiegendem...
L'« école la plus chère au monde » pointée du doigt dans un rapport universitaire pour avoir fermé les yeux sur le harcèlement
July 23, 2020 05:39 ET | Doctor Eric Debarbieux
Un rapport publié aujourd'hui par un membre de l'Observatoire international de la violence à l'école montre que malgré des frais de scolarité élevés, certaines écoles privées ne protègent pas leurs...
‘'s Werelds duurste school’ bekritiseerd in academisch rapport om negeren van pesten
July 23, 2020 05:39 ET | Doctor Eric Debarbieux
Een rapport dat vandaag is gepubliceerd door een lid van het International Observatory of Violence in Schools laat zien hoe particuliere scholen ondanks hoge schoolgelden hun studenten niet beschermen...
‘World’s most expensive school’ criticised in academic report for turning a blind eye to bullying
July 23, 2020 05:39 ET | Doctor Eric Debarbieux
A report published today by a member of the International Observatory of Violence in Schools shows how despite high fees, private schools are failing to protect their students from serious bullying...