Lifesize Simplifies the Meeting Room Experience with Lifesize Share Enhancements
January 31, 2019 04:00 ET
Lifesize Inc.
AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 31, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lifesize®, a global innovator of video collaboration and meeting productivity solutions, today announced new enhancements to its Lifesize Share™...
Neue Erweiterungen für Lifesize Share
January 31, 2019 03:00 ET
Lifesize Inc.
AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 31, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lifesize®, ein innovativer globaler Anbieter von Lösungen zur Zusammenarbeit in Videomeetings, stellt die neuen Erweiterungen seiner Lifesize...
Lifesize simplifie l'expérience de la salle de réunion grâce aux améliorations apportées à Lifesize Share
January 31, 2019 03:00 ET
Lifesize Inc.
PARIS, 31 janv. 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lifesize®, entreprise innovante en matière de solutions de collaboration vidéo et de productivité en réunion, annonce aujourd'hui de nouvelles améliorations...
Lifesize simplifica la experiencia de la sala de reuniones con Lifesize Share
January 31, 2019 03:00 ET
Lifesize Inc.
Lifesize Share nace como una plataforma de aplicaciones que facilita la integración de medios audiovisuales en las salas de reuniones o zonas de trabajo Elimina las tradicionales barreras en la...
Lifesize Simplifies the Meeting Room Experience with Lifesize Share Enhancements
January 31, 2019 03:00 ET
Lifesize Inc.
AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 31, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lifesize®, a global innovator of video collaboration and meeting productivity solutions, today announced new enhancements to its Lifesize Share™...
Lifesize Simplifies the Meeting Room Experience with Lifesize Share Enhancements
January 30, 2019 09:00 ET
Lifesize Inc.
AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 30, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lifesize®, a global innovator of video collaboration and meeting productivity solutions, today announced new enhancements to its Lifesize Share™...
Lifesize Share Takes Meeting Room Productivity to the Next Level
May 30, 2018 02:00 ET
Lifesize Inc.
AUSTIN, Texas, May 30, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lifesize®, a global innovator of video collaboration and meeting productivity solutions, is putting an end to meeting room cables. With Lifesize...