Questis Places Financial Stress in the Workplace in Its Crosshairs

Charleston, SC-based financial technology company launches financial wellness solution for the workplace

CHARLESTON, S.C., April 23, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Financial stress rates as the number one source of stress in Americans' everyday lives. It's a significant, overlooked issue particularly in the workplace, where it negatively impacts the bottom-line, including lost productivity, absenteeism, turnover and more. Personal finance is eating the workplace, and Charleston, SC-based financial technology firm Questis is launching to help companies deal with the issue head on. An estimated 76 percent of workers live paycheck to paycheck.

The majority of workers also lack the confidence and knowledge to manage personal finances and don't have the financial wherewithal to access guidance from unbiased financial advisors. Workers carry the weight of this financial stress to the workplace, where 83 percent of HR professionals state that personal financial problems have an impact on the work performance of employees, absenteeism and more.

"Most employers are overlooking a serious issue lurking among their staff," explains Steve Wilbourne, founder and CEO of Questis. "Employers are committed to offering health benefits, and a 401(K) as a way to help employees plan for retirement. The latter doesn't address the underlying problem with employees, and that's our focus at Questis."

Questis partners with small-to-large businesses to educate employees, and provide customized solutions to address their financial needs. Through financial coaches with a Certified Financial Planner™ designation and next generation software, Questis presents employees with unlimited, unbiased, practical and actionable advice. The goal is to bring employees solutions, and create an easy-to-follow path to keep them financially on track.

"It's a win-win for the company and their employees," said Wilbourne. "Companies get a cost-effective solution to address a pain point for employees, which in return should reduce stress while enhancing productivity and employee engagement. Employees receive a fiduciary coach, who is working in the employees' best interest to navigate personal finance challenges and offer consistent education and communication to guide them along every step of their financial journey."

The Questis platform offers unlimited access to an employees financial picture. Following a short survey to gauge financial behaviors, employees are introduced to a success manager who manages the Questis program rollout and implementation. Employees are connected with a Certified Financial Planner™ who offers proactive coaching through educational content and one-on-one consultation to address unique financial challenges, set priorities and assist them along every step of their financial journey.

Through the software, Questis creates a series of action items for employees to complete, including: spending and consumption plans; emergency fund requirements; debt reduction and credit management; and savings and investment strategies. Employees receive a real-time picture of their personal finance, as well as convenient access to a financial planner via email, chat or phone to answer questions or make vital adjustments.

"We've been able to help employees address severe financial issues that impact quality of life at work and home," said Wilbourne. "Questis delivers unbiased solutions, taking pressure off business owners and human resource professionals to manage these financial situations with employees."

In addition to employee access, Questis provides a corporate dashboard to give C-suite executives and human resource professionals a more complete picture of their company's financial health. Employees' accounts are private, but employers are able to follow key measures and observe aggregate financial health trends. In addition, employers can see how their team is engaging with both the software and Questis advisors. For more information on Questis, please visit

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Jeff Webster

Rawle Murdy


About Questis

Questis is pioneering the focus on financial guidance in today's workplace. Blending personalized advice and education and leading-edge technology—backed by a science-based, academic approach to portfolio management and financial planning—Questis focuses on personal coaching to help employees handle their money. Learn more at