Bilanzmedienorientierung / Analystenorientierung vom 12. März 2001
12 mars 2001 04h30 HE | BELIMO Holding AG
Steigerung von Umsatz und Gewinn Im Jahr 2000 war die Belimo-Gruppe erneut erfolgreich. Sie steigerte den Gewinn um 19.4 Prozent auf CHF 22.6 Mio. Der Nettowarenertrag nahm um 21.3 Prozent auf CHF...
Topical media releas
Topical media release, March 12, 2001
12 mars 2001 04h30 HE | BELIMO Holding AG
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
Communiqué de presse
Communiqué de presse, 12. mars 2001
12 mars 2001 04h30 HE | BELIMO Holding AG
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
12 mars 2001 03h47 HE | BELIMO Holding AG
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
12 mars 2001 03h07 HE | BELIMO Holding AG
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
12 mars 2001 01h45 HE | BELIMO Holding AG
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
09 mars 2001 10h45 HE | BELIMO Holding AG
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
Changes in the Execu
Changes in the Executive Committee of the Belimo Group
09 mars 2001 01h00 HE | BELIMO Holding AG
The plans for the formation of a separate business unit Asia, which were announced last summer, are now being implemented. Alex Brunner (47) joins the Executive Committee of the Belimo Group and will...
Media Release, 09 Ma
Media Release, 09 March 2001
09 mars 2001 01h00 HE | BELIMO Holding AG
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
Medienmitteilung, 09
Medienmitteilung, 09. März 2001
09 mars 2001 01h00 HE | BELIMO Holding AG
For release content, please refer to the attachment....