Enea Data: Interim Report for the Period 1 January-31 March 2002

TABY, Sweden, May 3, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Enea Data:

At the request of the board of directors of Enea Data AB, the CEO hereby submits the interim report for the period 1 January - 31 March 2002.

--    Enea Group net sales SEK 177 million (-25%)

--    Enea Group result SEK -18.9 (-36.4) million, including capital
      gain from Combitech shares amounting to SEK 91 million

--    OSE Systems net sales SEK 40 million (-22%), result SEK -42.8
      (-59.4) million including restructuring costs SEK 6 million

--    Consultancy operations net sales SEK 145 million (-28%), operating
      loss SEK -16.3 (22.8) million including restructuring costs of
      SEK 16 million

--    Goodwill write-down of SEK 45 million regarding Enea TekSci

--    Liquidity greatly strengthened through sale of shares in
      Combitech Systems

We expect that OSE Systems will continue to have a very strong position with manufacturers of telecom and datacom equipment, despite the fact that OSE Systems is showing a reduction in sales compared to the first quarter of last year of 22 percent, which we contribute to current market conditions. The result continues to be negative and further cost cutting measures beyond what has been already decided is not impossible.

The Swedish market for consultancy has remained weak, primarily in the Stockholm area. A certain amount of overcapacity remains in the market, resulting in a downward pressure on prices. Customers are showing an intention towards concentrating their purchases to fewer and larger suppliers to an increasingly greater extent, which Enea judges to be an advantageous development for Enea in the long term.

In spite of the fact that the American market for consultancy has weakened somewhat further during the period, Enea TekSci has successfully managed to compensate a reduction in volume of activities with reduced costs. Due to the development of the USD vs SEK ratio and the development of the market since the date of the acquisition, we assess that the book value of Enea TekSci need to be written down SEK 45 million in order to get reasonable growth requirements for the future.

Enea Group

At the close of the period, the number of employees was 773. The number of employees will be reduced further as a result of ongoing reductions in personnel.

January - March      Net sales      Operating    Operating    Profit/loss
(SEK million)                     profit/loss.  profit/loss.   after net
                                     Excl gw   incl gw amort   financial
                                      amort                  income/expens
                 Actual     Actual Actual Actual Actual  Actual       Actual
                  2002       2001  2002   2001  2002    2001  2002   2001
Enea Realtime     88.3      111.6 -15.0   18.5 -17.3    16.2 -18.5   15.1
Enea Business     27.8       43.2   0.0    2.7  -0.7     2.0  -1.2    1.5
Enea TekSci       31.0       51.1   1.7    4.6   1.7     4.6   1.8    4.6
Consulting        -2.2       -3.7                                        
Consulting       144.9      202.1 -13.3   25.8 -16.3    22.8 -17.9   21.3
OSE Systems*      39.9       51.3 -38.1  -59.2 -41.7   -59.2 -42.8  -59.4
Parent company.   -7.9      -18.0  -3.5    0.7 -54.0    -5.0  41.8    1.7
gw. other
Enea Group       176.9      235.4 -54.9  -32.6 -112.0   -41.4 -18.9  -36.4
January - March      Operating      Operating    Net margin        
 %                margin. excl gw    margin.
                       amort         incl gw
                 Actual     Actual Actual Actual Actual  Actual             
                  2002       2001   2002  2001  2002    2001     
Enea Realtime     -17%        17%   -20%   14%  -21%     14%     
Enea Business       0%         6%    -3%    5%   -4%      3%     
Enea TekSci         6%         9%     6%    9%    6%      9%     
Consulting         -9%        13%   -11%   11%  -12%     11%     
OSE Systems*      -95%      -115%  -105% -116% -107%   -116%     
Enea Group        -31%       -14%   -63%  -18%  -11%    -15%     
* OSE Group including Polyhedra from May 1.                               
Any summation differences are due to
figures being rounded up.

Investments Group investments during the period amounted to SEK 2.8 (10.2) million.

Liquid Assets and Financial Position Liquidity is strong, with liquid assets amounting to SEK 179.4 (208.2) million at the end of the period.

Earnings per share

Earnings per share for the period amounted to SEK -0:23 (-0:18). No dilution is anticipated.

Parent Company - Enea Data AB

Net sales for the period were SEK 0.0 (0.0) million with profit after financial income at SEK 62.9 (5.2) million. The result is charged with a write-down of SEK 45 million regarding the stockholdings in Enea TekSci Inc.

The financial income was SEK 66,4 (5.1) million. Liquid assets amounted to SEK 104.6 (151.5) million. The parent company's investments amounted to SEK 0.5 (1.5) million.

The number of employees as of 31 March 2002 was 30.

This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net

The following files are available for download:

The full report

The full report