EVP Kristin Skogen Lund joins The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise as Director General

(Oslo, Norway - September 10, 2012) EVP and Head of Telenor Digital Services & Broadcast, Kristin Skogen Lund, will resign from her position in Telenor to become the new Director General of The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO)

Skogen Lund has been a part of the Telenor Group Executive Management since she joined Telenor in March 2010, and since September 2011 she has headed the Telenor Digital Services & Broadcast units.

"We congratulate Kristin Skogen Lund on her new assignment. In Telenor, we know Kristin as a dynamic leader with a strong interest in society at large, making her the ideal candidate to head NHO. She has made a lasting impression on Telenor and she leaves behind a vibrant and future-oriented Digital Services unit and a Broadcast division delivering strong results," says Jon Fredrik Baksaas, CEO and President of the Telenor Group.

"I am leaving Telenor with mixed feelings. This is a successful company with competent employees that I think few people are completely aware of. I've had the pleasure of taking part in discussions, decisions and the development of the company, which has been extremely inspiring and educational. The reason I'm joining NHO is because it presents a unique and exciting opportunity in an organization I know well - due to my role as Chairman of the Board for the last couple of years," says Kristin Skogen Lund.

Skogen Lund will assume the position as Director General of NHO on 1 November, and the process of finding her successor starts immediately.

In connection with the new appointments, NHO will hold a press conference at Næringslivets Hus, Middelthunsgate 27, 0303 Oslo at 11.00 am on 10 September 2012. President Heine Wang, board member Egil Olsvik and the next NHO Director General Kristin Skogen Lund will attend. There will be an opportunity for separate interviews with all the new appointees after the press conference.

The press meeting will be streamed and can be followed here: http://webtv.hegnar.no/webcast.php?id=77287

Further information:
Atle Lessum, Head of Communication Telenor Digital Services, (+47) 41505645, al@telenor.com
Director of Information Rune Nøstvik, NHO, Tel.: 916 70 462 / E-mail: rune.nostvik@nho.no

About NHO
The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) is the largest special interest organization for business and industry in Norway, with around 21,000 companies. NHO's member companies represent a total of over 500,000 workplaces. NHO works to obtain better framework conditions for members, which strengthens the competitiveness and profitability of trade and industry. Good companies give an economically sound and healthy society with good social welfare benefits. www.nho.no