PRF: Saaremere Kala AS, subsidiary of AS PRFoods, submitted new application of building right for the establishment of offshore fish farming complex in the Estonian waters off the coast near Hiiumaa

Saaremere Kala AS submitted to the Technical Regulatory Authority new application of building right for the establishment of offshore fish farming complex in the Estonian waters off the coast near Hiiumaa. The application was submitted to the territories designated by the maritime plan of Hiiumaa as aquaculture territories PV3 and PV4. By the building right the permit is applied for rainbow trout farming complex in the offshore cages with the estimated annual production, i.e. growth of 2050 tons. Building right is applied for 50 years.

Additional information: Indrek Kasela, member of the management board of Saaremere Kala AS: +372 452 1470, e-mail:

Indrek Kasela
AS PRFoods
Member of the management board
Phone: +372 452 1470