How’s Your Bracket Doing? Novel Knockout from ThriftBooks offers an Alternative for Readers

Seattle, WA, April 08, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ThriftBooks, the premier online bookstore, has created an alternative to the excitement of March Madness. While 64 teams competed to take home the title of NCAA Champion, 64 favorite books have been competing for the #1 position among ThriftBooks devoted booklovers. The fan frenzy on the court now has a noble competitor among readers intensely focused on completing their brackets to select a single winning title.

“Some people love basketball, some people love books, and some people love both,” said Nicole Cox, Vice President of Marketing at ThriftBooks. “64 titles from 4 genres went head-to-head in social media polls. Each week we watched with fascination as beloved titles dropped.”

Many voters contested the qualifications of certain titles, while others said they faced an impossible choice. There were those who just keep voting for their favorites no matter the odds.

Each genre had its share of controversy. Romance pitted Princess Bride against Pride and Prejudice in the fourth round. It was a big shake-up for Pride and Prejudice given that it was winning hands down against its competition.

In the Horror and Thriller category, Dracula vs. Silence of the Lambs offered a bloody outcome either way. Dracula prevailed in that clash, suggesting that vampires may still be in vogue, despite Twilight’s defeat in its first round.

The most popular and debated round of the tournament was in Sci-Fi and Fantasy, where Harry Potter was pitted against The Chronicles of Narnia. This round received more comments and votes than any other, showing Narnia vs. Hogwarts is a battle that will likely never end.

In fact, Harry Potter went on to win the tournament at large, once again proving it is much more than a novel. Novel Knockout is a reminder that Harry Potter is a worldwide phenomenon, spawning movies and even a theme park that attracts young and old alike.

Promoted across social media, the debut of Novel Knockout reached more than 600,000 people and was widely embraced on Facebook and Twitter.

“We can’t wait for next March,” added Cox. “Novel Knockout will be an annual competitive ritual that lets everyone create a winning bracket.”

Check out the Novel Knockout winners at:

About ThriftBooks

Based in Seattle, WA, ThriftBooks is the largest online seller of used books in the world, having sold more than 100 million books since its inception. Founded in 2003 and backed by KCB Management, ThriftBooks operates fulfillment centers throughout the US that purchase, grade, and distribute used and collectible books. ThriftBooks relies on proprietary software to identify and list books, as well as a sophisticated model that dynamically prices books across a variety of online platforms, including, Amazon, eBay, and others.


Novel Knockout bracket

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