Telia Lietuva is establishing a new unit and moving towards a global operating model together with the Group

The Board of Telia Lietuva, AB approved a new organizational structure according to which a new Digitalization and Analytics Unit shall be established in the Company as from 1 January 2020. The Board also approved the implementation of the New Operating Model (NOM), which will provide companies of Telia Company Group with more synergy and efficiency.

“The decision to establish a new unit was made in response to customer needs and the continuously increasing digitalization of operations. Thus, in order to remain competitive, effective and to provide services that people find relevant, we must base our business decisions on data and analytics. This is what the Digitalization and Analytics Unit will be in charge of” – says Dan Strömberg, the CEO of Telia Lietuva.

The Digitalization and Analytics Unit will take over the management of digital channels from the Direct and Digital Channels Unit, and it will also be merged with the Data and Business Insights Unit, which is currently a part of the Business to Consumer (B2C) Unit.

Nortautas Luopas, the Head of Business to Consumer of the Company, will temporarily lead the new unit responsible for data mining, management, modelling as well as marketing automation and management.

In pursuit of a closer synergy with other companies of Telia Company Group and a higher performance efficiency, on 1 January 2020, Telia Lietuva will start applying the New Operating Model, which brings together competences and capacities across Telia Company Group, aiming to avoid duplication of tasks, to standardize processes, to create a common operating architecture, to plan investments and to make data and analytics-based decisions.

“The New Operating Model is a global engine for the development and support of products and services for all six markets where Telia Company operates. We will feel the benefit of the model through synergies in the development of common products and their rapid presentation to the market. Global operations will give us flexibility, efficiency and consolidation; thus we will be able to introduce common product lines and common technologies. We also perfectly understand the significance of being local, thus in order to stay close to our customers and to make the best possible use of the available local infrastructure, commercial and customer-related business units will remain local”, – says D. Strömberg.

Telia teams in Estonia, Denmark and Norway are also embracing the New Operating Model together with Lithuania. This model is already applied in Sweden and Finland.

Darius Džiaugys,
Head of Investor Relations,
tel. +370 5 236 7878,