AS Tallinna Vesi’s operational performance during the first 6 months of 2021

AS Tallinna Vesi achieved excellent operational results again in the first six months of 2021. The company reconstructed 4,200 m of water pipes and 4,100 m of sewers during the first half of 2021. The reconstruction of mechanical treatment stage at the wastewater treatment plant continued to deliver the target of further enhancing the quality and resilience of wastewater treatment process.

Investments into the water network

The quality of tap water was very good in the second quarter of 2021 – 99.7% compliant with the requirements. Tap water met the strict standards for drinking water quality also during the first half of the year (99.87%). Hot weather in summer can be a challenge in terms of ensuring water quality in the water network. To make sure that our consumers have high-quality drinking water at their taps at all times, the company carries out proactive maintenance of the water network, such as additional flushing of pipes as necessary.

One of the objectives of the company is to notify customers of interruptions to water supply as early as possible. During the first six months of 2021, the customers received notices of unplanned interruptions at last 1 hour before in 98.9% of cases. To minimise the effect of water interruptions on customers, the company is planning to install at least 20 additional valves in the water network this year. During the second quarter of 2021, the average water disruption time was 2 hours and 51 minutes which was less than in the same period last year.

The leakage rate for the period until the end of June was 15.01%, being higher than for the same period of 2020.

The company had reconstructed 4,200 m of water pipes and 4,100 m of sewers by the end of the second quarter of 2021. Reconstruction works were done on Poska and Roosikrantsi Streets and on Kadaka Road. Capital investments into the network ensure uninterrupted water and wastewater service and reliability of water supply to consumers also in the future.

Reliable wastewater service

Sewer reconstruction is contributing to the gradual reduction in the number of sewer collapses year on year. During the first half of 2021, we had 5 sewer collapses less than in the same period last year. Slight increase in the number of sewer blockages in the second quarter and in the first six months of 2021 was related to the dry and warm weather.

In the second quarter and the first half of 2021, the final treated effluent at Paljassaare Wastewater Treatment Plant was fully compliant with all quality requirements. With the purpose of assessing the treatment efficiency and the quality of wastewater, we continuously monitor for pollutants, in both the incoming wastewater and final treated effluent. Wastewater laboratory analyses the samples taken from different stages of the wastewater treatment process.

The major project of reconstructing the mechanical treatment stage at Paljassaare Wastewater Treatment Plant continued, with the construction works scheduled to be completed by the end of July. Testing and optimisation of the new system will commence in August. Completion of this project will further enhance the quality and resilience of wastewater treatment process.

Availability of tap water

Providing customers and consumers with high-quality and reliable water and wastewater services at all times, whilst maintaining very high standards in customer service is crucial for Tallinna Vesi. To maintain customer satisfaction, we have set ourselves clear and forward-looking targets. We have seen a gradual decline in the number of customer complaints year on year, which is a positive trend and serves as an indicator of stable improvement in the quality of service.

It is important for Tallinna Vesi that the customers receive the necessary information or answers to their questions as quickly as possible. The company measures the speed of response, and has set a target to respond to all less complex written requests within two working days. The company responded to written requests within the term in 99.2% of cases in the first half of 2021.

To further enhance the availability of tap water in summer on the city streets, the company has opened 9 public water taps providing Tallinners with drinking water of controlled quality. Public water taps are on Viru Street, Harju Street, in Police Park, the cycle and pedestrian track on Järvevana Road, Kadriorg Park, on Kalaranna Road, in Danish King’s Garden, on Algi Street near Löwenruh Park, and on Sepa Street.

Drinking enough water is extremely important with hot weather, which is why the company encourages people to ask for tap water when eating out and the restaurants to offer it to their customers. To this end, Tallinna Vesi, along with the City of Tallinn and the Estonian Hotel and Restaurant Association, started the campaign “Let's offer tap water”.





6 months

6 months


Drinking water     
Compliance of water quality at the customers’ tap%99,8710099,7100
Water loss in the water distribution network%15,0113,9114,612,7
Average duration of water interruptions per property in hoursh3,103,052,853,18
Number of sewer blockagesNo294227151103
Number of sewer collapsesNo36411714
Wastewater treatment compliance with environmental standards%100100100100
Customer Service     
Number of complaintsNo1728912
Number of customer contacts regarding water qualityNo7216430101
Number of customer contacts regarding water pressureNo1371498687
Number of customer contacts regarding blockages and  leading off stormwaterNo495473251207
Responding to written customer contacts within at least 2 working days%99,210098,7100
Number of cases of failed promisesNo1000
Notification of unplanned water interruptions at least 1h before the interruption%98,999,298,399

Laura Korjus
Head of Communication
AS Tallinna Vesi
(+372) 626 2271