Comment on the interview for the journal Dienas Bizness

Comment on the interview for the journal Dienas Bizness

The Management Board of  “Olainfarm” got acquainted with the interview with Roberts Tavjevs, Member of the Board of the largest shareholder AS “AB CITY”, who controls 50.93% of the company's voting capital, for the journal Dienas Bizness, which provides information on future plans for “Olainfarm”, including the perspective of profit distribution, namely, that no dividends are planned to be paid in the next five years.

The Management Board of “Olainfarm” informs that the above-mentioned is contrary to the dividend policy approved by the Council of “Olainfarm”. At the same time, it should be noted that only the shareholders’ meeting has the right to decide on the amount of dividends to be paid to “Olainfarm” shareholders.

Changes to the dividend policy, if necessary, shall be prepared by the Management Board and submitted to the Council for approval when necessary.

Additional information:  
Jānis Leimanis
JSC Olainfarm Member of Management Board
Phone: +371 29269424