Public Procurement Preferred Bidder Announcement in Estonia (reconstruction of Vana-Kalamaja street in Tallinn)

Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department has informed that the public procurement “Reconstruction of Vana-Kalamaja street” (reference number 245920) preferred bidder is announced to be Tallinna Teede AS, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, with a value of 7.8 million euros, plus VAT.

The construction covers the reconstruction of a 1.2-kilometre section of Vana-Kalamaja street, including renewal of the road surface and underground communications. The section under construction starts at the Toompuiestee end of Nunne street and ends at Suur-Patarei street, running mostly along Vana-Kalamaja street. The construction project also includes the construction of the new squares near Baltic Station and in front of the Gustav Adolf Gymnasium elementary school.

The construction works completion deadline is summer 2023. We shall notify the conclusion of the contract and the final terms thereof by a separate stock exchange notice.

Tallinna Teede AS is a road construction company that performs road construction, maintenance and repair works all over Estonia. The company has its own asphalt plant and an accredited laboratory for testing road construction materials.

Additional information: Jüri Läll, CEO of Tallinna Teede AS, tel: +372 606 1901.

Urmas Somelar
Head of Finance
AS Merko Ehitus
+372 650 1250

AS Merko Ehitus ( group companies develop real estate and construct buildings and infrastructure. We create a better living environment and build the future. We operate in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway. As at the end of 2021, the group employed 670 people, and the group’s revenue for 2021 was EUR 339 million.