Dublin, June 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Kyrgyzstan Telecoms Market Report - Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Statistics and Analyses" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
Kyrgyzstan's political instability scares away much-needed foreign investment
The Kyrgyz Republic (more commonly known as Kyrgyzstan) has enjoyed relatively strong economic growth over the last decade and at least in terms of other Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries in Eastern Europe and Asia that formed following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.
The country's telecom sector (specifically the mobile segment) has likewise been able to prosper. However, ongoing political tension, increasing repression of the media and information, and continuing problems with corporate governance may be putting a strain on further growth by reducing the country's appeal to much-needed foreign investors.
Kyrgyzstan has been reasonably successful in its attempts to liberalise its economy and open up its telecom market to competition. The privatisation of state-owned entities and particularly the fixed-line incumbent provider Kyrgyztelecom and the mobile operator Alfa Telecom and has been less well received, with government ownership continuing despite repeated attempts to offload its stakes in those companies. They simply haven Tt been able to generate enough interest from the private sector.
Still, the Kyrgyzstan mobile market has achieved high levels of penetration (140% in 2021) along with a fairly competitive operating environment with four major players. Mobile broadband, too, has come along strongly, reaching over 125% penetration in 2019 before falling back slightly during the COVID-19 crisis. Slow-to-moderate growth is expected for both segments in coming years, supported by the anticipated rollout of 5G services starting from late-2022.
This report includes the regulator's market data reports and telcos' financial and operating data updates to December 2020, Telecom Maturity Index charts and analyses, assessment of the global impact of COVID-19 on the telecoms sector, and other recent market developments.
Key Developments:
- Kyrgyzstan's Ministry of Digital Development releases updated plans for 5G network rollouts, with the first round of test launches targeted for late-2022.
- Wholesale broadband provider ElCat announces $3 million in financing from the IFC to increase fibre coverage in under-served areas of the country.
Companies Featured
- Kyrgyztelecom
- Sky Mobile (Beeline)
- MegaCom (Alfa Telecom)
- Nur Telecom (O!)
- Katel
- KT Mobile
- Elcat
- AsiaInfo
- Saima-Net (Saima Telecom).
Key Topics Covered:
- Key statistics
- Regional Asia market comparison
- Market characteristics
- Market Leaders
- Market Challengers
- Market Emergents
- TMI vs GDP
- Mobile and mobile broadband penetration
- Fixed versus mobile broadband penetration
- Country overview
- COVID-19 and its impact on the telecom sector
- Economic considerations and responses
- Subscribers
- Infrastructure
- Telecommunications market
- Regulatory environment
- Regulatory authority
- Mobile network developments
- Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
- SIM registration
- Spectrum auctions
- Mobile market
- Mobile statistics
- Mobile infrastructure
- 5G
- 4G (LTE)
- 3G
- Mobile broadband
- Major mobile operators
- MegaCom (Alfa Telecom)
- Sky Mobile (Beeline)
- Nur Telecom (O!)
- Katel
- KT Mobile
- Fixed-line broadband market
- ISP market
- Fixed network market
- Major network operators
- Kyrgyztelecom
- Other fixed network operators
- Telecommunications infrastructure
- National telecom network
- Fibre networks
- International infrastructure
- Satellites
- Fibre networks
- Appendix - Historic data
- Glossary of abbreviations
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/6tgova
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