Paris, 21 June 2024
Caisse Française de Financement Local (“Caffil”) has amended the Final Terms dated 9 February 2024 relating to the issue of €25,000,000 3.750 per cent. obligations foncières due 13 February 2054 (ISIN Code: FR001400NUE2) (the "Obligations Foncières") under its €75,000,000,000 EMTN Programme (the "Amended and Restated Final Terms"). The amendment provides for the correction of the following manifest error in the Final Terms:
Item 21 (ii) entitled "Optional Redemption Amount of each Obligation Foncière" in Part A of theFinal Terms is deleted and replaced as follows:
Optional Redemption Amount of eachObligation Foncière:
EUR 100,000 per Obligation Foncière of EUR 100,000 Specified Denomination
Caffil accepts responsibility for the information included in this notice to the bondholders.
The Amended and Restated Final Terms relating to the issue of the Obligations Foncières will be available on the website of the AMF (, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange ( and the Issuer (