RIMINI, Italy, Nov. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In 2024, the Piadina Romagnola celebrates an important milestone: the tenth anniversary of obtaining the PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) mark. A certification that since October 2014 has protected the quality and authenticity of one of the symbolic products of the Italian gastronomic tradition, guaranteeing that Piadina Romagnola PGI is produced exclusively in Emilia-Romagna, following precise rules laid down in the production regulations.
The traditional recipe calls for only four ingredients: wheat flour, water, salt, and fat, which can vary from lard to olive oil, depending on local tradition. The use of preservatives or additives is strictly forbidden. Under the protection and control of the PGI, the production process must respect artisan and traditional methods, guaranteeing the unmistakable thickness of the piadina, which varies from 3 mm for the thin Rimini version to 8 mm for the thicker version in the Cesena area.
The Protected Geographical Indication also enhances the link with the territory: only piadina produced in the provinces of Rimini, Forlì-Cesena, Ravenna and part of Bologna can bear the PGI mark.
Thanks to these rules, the PGI mark has helped protect Piadina Romagnola from imitations, allowing local producers to continue to hand down their art and offer consumers a genuine product that is deeply linked to the land of Romagna. "Piadina Romagnola PGI is much more than a food product, it is a true symbol of our land and our tradition," says Alfio Biagini, President of the Consortium for the Protection and Promotion of Piadina Romagnola PGI. "In these ten years, thanks to the protection of the PGI, we have managed to protect the artisan roots of the product, guaranteeing consumers the highest quality and authenticity."
From 2014 to date, the production of Piadina Romagnola PGI has steadily increased, both in terms of volume, with +280% in ten years, and in terms of recognition. Piadina Romagnola PGI has in fact been recognized and protected in a dozen non-EU states thanks to the protection work that the Consortium has introduced.
With the PGI, local producers have been able to enhance tradition and support the local economy, while maintaining the use of quality ingredients and traditional production methods. Moreover, thanks to its versatility and unmistakable taste, Piadina Romagnola PGI has become ‘queen’ not only in street food and the Romagna table, but also in restaurants and kitchens all over the world.
The PGI represents a guarantee for consumers, who know they are buying a product linked to the territory and made according to strict quality standards. Over the past ten years, the mark has enabled Piadina Romagnola to be defended against imitations and to enhance its authentic production.
"We are thrilled to be celebrating this tenth anniversary. Our goal for the future will continue to be the promotion and protection of Piadina Romagnola PGI, further expanding its presence in international markets, without ever losing sight of its roots and tradition," concludes Alfio Biagini.
The Piadina Romagnola PGI, defined as ‘the bread of Romagna,’ is a food that tells a story of simplicity and authentic flavours that with the IGP award has consolidated its identity as a traditional product of excellence.
Für Informationen:
SECNewgate Italia - Giorgia Rizzi +39 3400010762 – giorgia.rizzi@secnewgate.it
News about the Consortium for the Promotion and Protection of Piadina Romagnola
The Consortium for the Promotion and Protection of Piadina Romagnola PGI was set up to promote and valorise Piadina Romagnola or Piada Romagnola, and the variant of Piadina or Piada Romagnola alla Riminese, as well as to enforce the specification, the reference text for the production of Piadina that respects the traditional recipe. The Consortium's efforts led to obtaining the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) designation on 24 October 2014. The Consortium currently has 12 companies of different sizes, including artisan, industrial, and kiosk companies in the Romagna region. For these companies, the Consortium acts as mediator and representative.
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