In accordance with the initiative and decision of the Board of Energy Transmission and Exchange Group EPSO-G (legal entity code 302826889, registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lithuania) the Extraordinary General Meeting of EPSO-G shareholders is convened.
Reasons and purposes for calling the meeting: The Board of UAB EPSO-G has decided to increase the number of shares of UAB EPSO-G Invest held by UAB EPSO-G and to transfer part of the shares of UAB EPSO-G Invest to the sole shareholder of UAB EPSO-G upon the adoption of the sole shareholder’s decision to increase the capital of UAB EPSO-G Invest, to revoke the pre-emptive right of UAB EPSO-G to acquire all newly issued shares of UAB EPSO-G Invest and to grant the right to UAB EPSO-G and UAB Valstybės investicinis kapitalas to acquire newly issued shares of UAB EPSO-G Invest, to approve the new version of the Articles of Association of UAB EPSO-G Invest. The Board approved the main terms and conditions of the share subscription and shareholders’ agreements. For the decision to come into effect, in accordance with paragraphs (xi) and (xiii) of Article 41 of the Articles of Association of UAB EPSO-G, the approval of the sole shareholder is required.
Agenda items of the meeting:
1. Regarding approval of the decision of the Board of UAB EPSO-G to increase the number of shares of UAB EPSO-G Invest held by UAB EPSO-G and to transfer part of the shares of UAB EPSO-G Invest.
The EPSO-G group of companies consists of the holding company EPSO-G and its six direct subsidiaries Amber Grid, Baltpool, Energy cells, EPSO-G Invest, Litgrid and Tetas. EPSO-G and its Group companies also hold shares in GET Baltic, Baltic RCC OÜ and TSO Holding AS. The rights and obligations of the sole shareholder of EPSO-G are exercised by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania.
For more information, contact
Gediminas Petrauskas, communication partner of EPSO-G
Tel: +370 610 63306, email: