Den 30. september 2009 er indre værdi 70,0 kr. pr. aktie
September 30, 2009 03:07 ET | Ennogie Solar Group A/S
Den indre værdi af SmallCap Danmark A/S er d.d. opgjort til 70,0 kr. pr. aktie baseret på lukkekurserne d. 29. september 2009. I opgørelsen er egenkapitalen baseret på den aktuelle kursværdi...
Förändring i antalet
Förändring i antalet utestående aktier samt röster i Investment AB Kinnevik
September 30, 2009 03:06 ET | Kinnevik, Investment AB
Antalet utestående aktier i Investment AB Kinnevik (publ) uppgår per den 30 september 2009 till 277 448 190 aktier, varav 48 665 324 A-aktier med tio röster vardera samt 228 492 866 B-aktier och 290...
Total number of voti
Total number of voting rights and size of share capital in LifeCycle Pharma A/S as of September 30, 2009.
September 30, 2009 03:05 ET | Veloxis Pharmaceuticals A/S
Company Announcement no.19/2009 To: NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen Hørsholm, Denmark, September 30, 2009 Total number of voting rights and size of share capital in LifeCycle Pharma A/S as of...
Change in the number
Change in the number of shares and votes in Investment AB Kinnevik
September 30, 2009 03:02 ET | Kinnevik, Investment AB
As of 30 September 2009 the number of shares in Investment AB Kinnevik (publ) amounts to 277,448,190 of which are 48,665,324 Class A shares, with ten votes each, and 228,492,866 Class B shares...
Columbus IT conclude
Columbus IT concludes conditional agreement about acquisition of the software company Guideix A/S
September 30, 2009 03:01 ET | Columbus A/S
Columbus IT Partner A/S has concluded a conditional agreement about acquisition of 100% of the share capital in the software company Guideix A/S. The acquisition is beneficial for both Guideix's...
New CellaVision® DM1200 analyzer approved for sales in Canada
September 30, 2009 03:00 ET | CellaVision AB
"We have invested a large amount of resources into the studies and documentation necessary for selling this product on our main markets. We are now able to offer Canadian hospitals with somewhat...
Cisco Delivers Next-Generation Network Technology to Sweden's Largest Broadband Provider
September 30, 2009 03:00 ET | Cisco
STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN--(Marketwire - September 30, 2009) -  Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) today announced that TeliaSonera, Sweden's largest telecommunications provider, is deploying a point-to-point fibre...
Nya CellaVision® DM1
Nya CellaVision® DM1200 godkänd för försäljning i Kanada
September 30, 2009 03:00 ET | CellaVision
CellaVision AB (publ), som utvecklar och säljer produkter för analys av blod och andra kroppsvätskor med hjälp av bildanalys, har fått officiellt godkännande att sälja det nya...
New CellaVision® DM1
New CellaVision® DM1200 analyzer approved for sales in Canada
September 30, 2009 03:00 ET | CellaVision
CellaVision AB (publ), which develops and sells digital morphology products for the routine analysis of blood and other body fluids, has received official approval for the new analyzer CellaVision®...
Aqeri utser ny verkställande direktör
September 30, 2009 03:00 ET | Aqeri Holding AB
2009-09-30 - Aqeri, ledande producent av datorer och kommunikationsutrustning för extrema förhållanden har idag till ny verkställande direktör fr o m den 1 oktober utsett Jan ...