Kommentaar seoses me
Kommentaar seoses meedias ilmunud artikliga
January 06, 2023 12:00 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
5. jaanuaril ilmus Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu portaalis uudis pealkirjaga "Valitsus eraldas Liivi lahe tuulepargi Eesti Energiast", millest võib jääda ekslik mulje Liivi lahe meretuulepargi projekti...
Comment in connectio
Comment in connection with an article in local media
January 06, 2023 12:00 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
On 5 January, a news story titled "Government splits Gulf of Riga wind farm from state-owned Eesti Energia" was published in the news portal of the Estonian Public Broadcasting, which could lead to...
Sopi-Tootsi tuulepar
Sopi-Tootsi tuulepargi ehituse peatöövõtu lepingu sõlmimine
January 06, 2023 10:15 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
6. jaanuaril 2023 sõlmisid Sopi-Tootsi tuulepargi arendusega tegelevad Enefit Greeni tütarettevõtted Tootsi Windpark ja Enefit Wind Purtse peatöövõtu lepingu Nordecon Betoon OÜ ja Verston OÜ-ga...
Conclusion of the ge
Conclusion of the general construction contract for Sopi-Tootsi wind farm
January 06, 2023 10:15 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
On 6 January 2023, Enefit Green's subsidiaries Tootsi Windpark and Enefit Wind Purtse, which are engaged in the development of the Sopi-Tootsi wind farm, entered into a general construction contract...
Enefit Green sõlmis
Enefit Green sõlmis rahastuskokkulepped SEB ja Põhjamaade Investeerimispangaga
January 06, 2023 07:00 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
6. jaanuaril 2023 allkirjastas Enefit Green 325 miljoni euro ulatuses kokkuleppeid SEB ja Põhjamaade Investeerimispangaga (NIB) oma käimasoleva investeerimisprogrammi rahastamiseks. Põhjamaade...
Enefit Green signed
Enefit Green signed agreements with SEB and Nordic Investment Bank to raise debt financing
January 06, 2023 07:00 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
On 6 January 2023, Enefit Green signed agreements in the amount of EUR 325 million with SEB and Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) to finance its ongoing investment programme. The amount of the loan...
Enefit Green langeta
Enefit Green langetas lõpliku investeerimisotsuse 3 MW Estonia päikesepargi ehitamiseks
December 30, 2022 06:30 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green langetas lõpliku investeerimisotsuse ehitada valmis ligi 3 MW võimsusega Estonia päikesepark, mis rajatakse Estonia kaevanduse tööstusterritooriumile selleks spetsiaalselt ehitatud...
Enefit Green has tak
Enefit Green has taken final investment decision for 3 MW Estonia solar farm
December 30, 2022 06:30 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green has taken the final investment decision to construct the Estonia solar farm with a capacity of nearly 3 MW, which will be erected on a foundation purpose-built from waste rock on the...
Enefit Green refinan
Enefit Green refinantseeris laenulepingud 100 miljoni euro väärtuses
December 28, 2022 09:00 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Täna, 28. detsembril sõlmis Enefit Green SEB ja Swedbankiga laenulepingud 2023. aastal lõppema pidanud laenude refinantseerimiseks. Mõlemad laenud on viieaastase tähtajaga summas 50 miljonit...
Enefit Green refinan
Enefit Green refinanced loan agreements in the amount of 100 million euros
December 28, 2022 09:00 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Today, on 28 December, Enefit Green entered into loan agreements with SEB and Swedbank to refinance term loans that were due in 2023. Both new loans in amount of €50 million have a five year...