Hoylu AB: Publishes its Annual Report for 2018

Hoylu AB (publ) announced today that the Annual Report for 2018 is available at Hoylu’s web site (https://www.hoylu.com/investor/financial-reports/).

For more information, please contact:
Stein Revelsby, CEO at Hoylu +1 213 440 2499 Email: sr@hoylu.com
Karl Wiersholm, CFO at Hoylu +1 425 829 2316 Email: kw@hoylu.com

Hoylu AB
Hoylu delivers innovative enterprise solutions to allow global teams to collaboratively plan, create and share information that enrichen the user experience in the virtual office. The Hoylu Suite delivers a comprehensive set of personalized connected workspaces to enable teams across locations, on any device, to work smarter and with more fun across major industries including Engineering, Education, Pharmaceutical, Construction, Manufacturing, Graphic Design and many more. For more information: www.hoylu.com or visit www.introduce.se/foretag/hoylu.

Ticker symbol: Hoylu
Marketplace: Nasdaq First North Stockholm
Certified Adviser: Mangold Fondkommission AB +46 (0) 8 50 301 550; ca@mangold.se
Legal Adviser: Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå AB

This is information that Hoylu AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication at 23:30 CEST on May 2, 2019.